Jennifer Edewaard

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Why I am here and what He calls us to

How happy are those who have learned how to praise You; those who journey through life by the light of Your face.”

Psalm 89:15 The Voice

You desire an abundant life. You thirst for a deep relationship with the faithful Lord. You want to get away from the busy, and see meaning in your life, in this season, with what you have. You want your imperfections to thrive in your purpose. You want to dig into His truths and live out His glory in the life He has called you to. I can relate. And I am so excited that you’re here.



An imperfect purpose- a life where we are called to live abundantly in His grace, seek His truth and stand in His glory.

Our imperfections are messy, intimidating, and He just might be hiding you in the season that you are in.

Perhaps He is having you be bold in this season, breaking through barriers. Whatever the situation, He is pulling you closer.

Our imperfections feel like pressure - pressure to be the perfect mom, the perfect wife, the perfect business owner, the perfect friend. And when we fail, it hits us hard.

You can stand through anything when you stand in His abundant grace. Because, friend, it's in our imperfections that Christ makes His perfections shown.

He loves us today like He loved us yesterday and like He will love us tomorrow, imperfections and all.

My view on these imperfect times opened up my world to see His glory with a deep appreciation for ALL circumstances and situations I have encountered. He throws nothing to waste, and honestly looking back I would go through them over and over again because His gracious spirit reminds me so much that He is present and is the only perfection.

In order to fully embrace the purpose we were created for, we need to immerse ourselves into who He is.

When we fully know Him, we experience the freedom that His grace has over our lives to fully live out what He has called us to do. To reflect His image that He so carefully knit together. I have found that in the times that I felt farthest from my purpose and what he created me for, I was actually right there where He wanted me. Out of the waiting, pain, joy, and patience He knew exactly what He was doing as I began this journey I call my mission.  

After more than two years of unexplained infertility (which is still ongoing), I delivered our miracle son, Mason, at 23 weeks.

My life has been turned upside down since.

We spent five months in the NICU, and we were told that our son had no chance of survival and that if he did survive, he would never live a normal life. Praising the Lord because that is not the case and he is healthy, with many hurdles overcome and some still ahead of us. I was at a loss for words for a long time.

It was through that experience that I found myself at a point in my life where I had a choice to either stay strong, be positive, and get grateful for my son and my family or not.

I knew that I needed to choose joy and live my life on God’s strength, not mine. I knew that the only way the three of us would survive this was to choose the little-by-little progress in each day, as some days were life and death within those five months and even after coming home.

Choosing to be intentional and live on purpose with what each moment brought became my mission. Knowing that I could not do all things well, I had to decide what I could do well to live a life filled with purpose and say no to the things that put pressure on me and took me off course.  

The miracle of my son has shown me that we are on this earth for a reason and with a purpose. And that often that purpose shows up most often when life is the most imperfect.

I don't have all the answers, but I am here to learn and live life with you.

I believe that we were created with a purpose. That we were knit in our mother’s womb with the most intentional purpose. That we were meant to live for that purpose. I believe that through grace, faith, and intentional choices, we can find that purpose and embrace it to the fullest. I am imperfect, and I embrace that with my whole heart.

The beautiful imperfections that we are made of are all part of His plan for us. We can let go of the lies of not being good enough, and embrace the fact that God is calling each of us to live our lives with intention. I intend to live on purpose and be transformed by grace. By following that purpose with fire and passion for our Savior Jesus, you can cultivate the life and legacy that God so miraculously created for you.